CAD & Photogrammetry
Below is a 3D model I made from a piece of coral. An Environmental Science Professor I had challenged me to figure out a way to measure the surface area of coral he was growing. The only way they had involved dipping coral in hot wax and killing it. With no University funding or direction, I used the camera on my phone, a desk lamp, and my computer to turn several dozen photos of the coral into a 3D object. Once the 3D object was made, the object could be scaled using harmless ruler measurements from the real specimen. I was then able to read the scaled objects surface area just as one of the file properties.
Below is a recent collection of photos from a project I did for fun. I modeled the wheel or hubcap from a Tesla Cybertruck, again using an Autodesk program. I plan to divide the large object into smaller objects that will fit in the print area of my Creality CR-10, and post pictures of the full size object here. I also rendered a cool wallpaper for my ultrawide monitor and my phone, included below.